Then it is better to have two housewives in the team instead of two planners

‘Then it is better to have two housewives in the team instead of two planners’ – I said half-jokingly to two of my favorite junior planners.

The point I was making was – listen to the consumer, but don’t take everything you hear at face value. Insights are about interpreting what has been said in the context of other knowledge.

Many a time actual consumer behavior in the market contradicts what they say (we are becoming health conscious in food choice, for example!)

Perhaps the most important context is #culture. When you interpret what consumers tell you in light of the prevailing culture, you get to deeper, more powerful #insights.

All said and done, not only are we limited in understanding our motives behind our choices, often we are keen to frame it in a more flattering light.

That’s why listen to your consumer but listen to a lot more around her as well.

For complete podcasts with Saurabh Sardana


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